
CGI Animation, CGI Stills

Huawei Mate 10 Pro

About the Project

A unique opportunity for PICS to showcase a products’ features and benefits through a visual unveiling while inspiring industry early adopters to jump into the fray and create social media buzz.

As robotics and A.I. become more ubiquitous we gave a tongue-in-cheek creative nod to their presence in this commercial endeavor. Our featured robot guide needed to be simple and clean, yet futuristic – its CGI motion connotes the same attributes as the new Huawei phone – aspirational and innovative.

Detailed CAD data and creative ingenuity as PICS built the robot paved the way for diverse CGI motion and still assets to be used for all media channels for long-term strategy. Born out of these same assets was a cinematic trailer for the Huawei Mate 10 Pro per below.

CGI open Robot hand wireframeCGI Robot hand palm open mysterious
CGI Robot hand wireframeCGI Robot hand with light beam
CGI Robot arm Joint wireframeCGI Robot elbow joint wth laser sweeping across
CGI Robot hand interior wireframeCGI Robot hand interior with omnious light


Unboxing A.I.

FCB Inferno, London.

From scratch we designed, built and rigged characterful robotic arms that led the product launch firstly with an ‘unboxing’ animation, demonstrating to the audience the phone and it’s accessories. The feature-packed Mate 10 Pro device then required of PICS to create a suite of five ‘how-to’ animations,

demonstrated by our robot and the delivered with an accompanying suite of product stills for global use. Instead of stopping here, PICS then took the animation one step further, pushing the boundaries of the project onward to create a fully-fledged cinematic trailer style film.
