

CGI Stills

In continuing to be inspired by the Chanel brand, PICS created an additional set of CGI stills. Idea was to introduce a hero sample CGI asset, this time as a fluid, to bring some levity to the series of Jour/Le Nuit, yet showcasing the true richness of the product line.

Another case study of a masterfile and what can be culled from that – flexibility and variety for all media channels.

Chanel B&W Day and Night CGI Bottle chalkCGI Chanel Day Night Cream 4
Chanel B&W Day and Night CGI Bottle chalkCGI Chanel Day Night Cream 2
Chanel B&W Day and Night CGI Bottle chalkCGI Chanel Day Night Cream
Chanel B&W Day and Night CGI Bottle chalkCGI Chanel Day Night Cream 3
Chanel B&W Day and Night CGI Bottle chalkCGI Chanel Day Night Cream 5